Sunday, August 26, 2012

Laurent Bernard Chocolatier

went to Laurent Bernard Chocolatier at portsdown road for late night dessert on saturday, the only outlet that closes at 12am. it is a small cafe, and a bit ulu, but great place for the usual girls chit chat and gossip.
super rich and smooth chocolate tart

very interesting lemon tart

chocolate truffle cake

yunnan tea

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

mort into the wash

time to put mort into the wash, his armpit and belly has turned from beige to muddy brown.
tumble tumble tumble... clean and new again!

Friday, July 27, 2012

travel the world in a little camper van

i feel like i want to travel the world in a little camper van.
let us throw all our hard earned money into this journey, every single cent of it!
who cares about what happens in the future.
that's what life should be about; the experiences , the moments, and the emotions.
it might be unrealistic, crazy, and stupid, but we only live once.

Friday, July 13, 2012

lucky charm

i can't help that much, but at least i hope i'm a lucky charm.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

harry potter exhibition

should i or should i not go to the harry potter exhibition?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

madagascar 3

going to watch this on sunday. i like to movin movin...!! mort's so cute...! :D
btw mort is one of the main characters in tv series "the penguins of madagascar".

Thursday, May 24, 2012

fly away to krabi...

on the way to krabi trip, beautiful neat little clouds. as happy as can be :)

 amazing place to stay at, monkeys reside here among the forest.
awesome views of krabi

my first attempt at climbing natural rocks.
cheap and good food = happy people :D
huge jellyfish washed on shore

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

strawberry shortcake's birthday!!!

happy birthday casey!!!!
went to antoinette at lavander, has one of my favorite cake, named the "antoinette".
nice ambiance, with a lot of retail stuffs, cookies that you can buy home, compared to the mandarin gallery branch.

the prettiest cookies & treats for the eye and stomach

amazingly beautiful cakes

ok only foie gras, i think not worth the price.

the bacon and cheese gnocchi is not too bad, first time trying, quite interesting

lastly, the most anticipated, cakes with tea of course!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

totoro family by air-drying clay

 caption: "who's the real totoro??"

completed the totoro family , using air-drying clay. i guess overall quite satisfied.
the terrain is created by twisting 2 different colors together.
contribution to artwork: my sister :)

next will be the family of angry birds.
created the tiniest angry bird of history, haha.
it is as small as my last finger!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

happi bdae to me!!!!

this year's birthday was a blast!!
per-celebration with my families; my parents, sister, couzins, grandma, aunties & uncles.
grandma's birthday was in april as well, so we blew e cake together.
a nite of dinner, a game of bowling & some arcade games at the chinese swimming club.
last of all, many birthday presents!!!! :D

birthday at universal studios

went to universal studios on my birthday.
first time there, much smaller compared to the ones overseas, but still fun!
took us about the whole day to finish most of the rides, but our pace was slow, taking food and drink breaks. the only complains are the shopping and the weather i guess. i always shop a lot in other theme parks, but there isn't much to shop at this universal studios. not much variety and interesting stuffs to choose from. the weather is super duper warm, sun shining brightly dehydrating us. it is very nice in theme parks where the weather is cool, even cold, and you can enjoy a ice-cream as slow as you like, without it melting.

i am not a universal studios fan, more of a walt disney fan. here goes some of the characters:


shrek and fiona and castle

jurassic park


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

sequel to the musical "wicked"

i love the library.
i love it being situated right next to my home.
i love not being a fan of any author, and only constantly reading his/her book.
i love the kind of excitement when you spot something unexpected, and which you think might be interesting, like the luckiest girl of the month, with a big wide grin, cuddling a treasure found.

it's a sequel to the musical "wicked" :D

Monday, April 9, 2012

home cooked dinner

had home cooked dinner during the weekend. a little bored of eating out everyday, is tiring having to think of what to eat during each meals, especially when you have no craze at all. dinner was experimental chicken stew with potatoes, carrots, onions and wine. plus secret recipe ingredient grapes. taste quite nice, thick and goes very well with white rice. complete with vegetable and fried eggs. totally satisfied!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

chewy junior

i love this chewy junior, bought it at choa chu kang lot 1, 6 for the price of $9.
the flavors are apple, blueberry cheese, custard strawberry, strawberry & double chocolate.
there is this oozing thick cream inside, and the chewy crust that makes it different from other puffs.
goes well with tea.

btw, i can eat all 6 by myself. :D

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

air-drying clay from art friend at buona vista

took a walk at the art friend at buona vista, really missed the place a lot.
i used to be an art student in the past, brings back a lot of memories.
walking at the various sections, now and then exclaiming:
"arh! i used to buy this", "oh! i have this somewhere at home", "you know, this is the better range."
in the end, bought some brushes, and a box of air-drying clay back home.

this clay is very light weight, not sticky or messy, and smells kinda nice.
not very easy to handle though, due to it being very light weight.
just a little bit too much pressure when you handle it, will deform the entire shape and put all your effort to waste.
we made totoro and angry bird. totoro is by me, isn't it cute?

fika - swedish cafe and bistro

went to arab street for a walk during the weekend, it has been a while since i went there.
it was a super sunny day, and we were sweating all over.
my feet were killing me after walking for a while, kenna heat stroke some more.
so decided to take a rest at this swedish cafe and bistro there, named fika.
nice little cafe, bright and clean, all white theme.
ordered a tea set, comes with a slice of cake and a pot of tea.
i love the tea brand they use, gryphon tea company. the strawberry cheesecake was good.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

art jamming at arteastiq social painting and tea

my auntie, sister, and me, went for art jamming at arteastiq social painting and tea, located in mandarin gallery. it is my second time there, their first.

the first time i went there, i couldn't finish my painting. this time round, i chose an easier picture.
it was not totally finished, but at least the main mickey is done, only the background is not completed. would complete it sometime at home.

we totally enjoyed ourselves. the end results are not bad, our family has arty genes..!!! :D

my auntie's dog, silky. my sister's hamster, ted. and my mickey mouse!